Do you want to escape for a few days?
Choose one of the most intense offers for nature lovers.
A stay at Kayak Escape is an incredible experience. And our holiday packages in the Danube Delta are focused on offers for nature lovers.
A stay at Kayak Escape is an incredible experience. And our holiday packages in the Danube Delta are focused on offers for nature lovers.
O locație extraordinara, gazdele foarte primitoare și o experiență de neuitat. Am fost cu copiii, pe un traseu de aproximativ 4 km, pe care l-am parcurs in cca. 1 oră și jumătate. Peisaje absolute superbe, pe care nu le poți observa dintr-o barcă. Aici ești propriul stapan pe timpul tău. Nu te grabeste nimeni dacă vrei să zabovesti mai mult in fața unui peisaj... Recomand această locatie și aceasta activitate din toată inima 👍👍👍
Choose the package that suits you best, and we will guide you to spectacular places and surprise you with unique landscapes. We will tell you about the uniqueness of the Delta, about the life of the locals, and we will pamper your taste buds with fishing delights. All accompanied by the comfort and good mood specific to Kayak Escape.
Take with you all the good vibe of the Delta!
Change the urban landscape with the lively picture of the Delta!
If you are a nature lover, this one is for you!
If you haven’t found a suitable package for you, or you want something specific, we do our best to to custom you one, as you dream of.
We have concentrated the most attractive activities, but if you want to spend your day on a virgine beach, we fulfill your dream! If you want special birdwatching or photo tours, you can! Or if you want to visit a certain area, to enjoy the show of a Lipovan choir, to celebrate your day in a unique setting and with selected dishes, or to organize a wine tasting for you and your friends, you just have to say.
We fire all our skills when it comes to fulfilling desires and designing the best offers for nature lovers!