Need an unique escape?


Choose one of our travel offers in Danube Delta and enjoy the beauty of an Unesco World Heritage area. A vacation at Kayak Escape is an incredible experience. Our travel offers in Danube Delta are focused on offers for nature lovers.


We don’t just say it, we are recommended by those who have already chosen us.

Experienta de neuitat. Nu trebuie ratată ocazia de a apela la serviciile unor oameni extraordinari.

ciprian capatana Avatar ciprian capatana

O locație extraordinara, gazdele foarte primitoare și o experiență de neuitat. Am fost cu copiii, pe un traseu de aproximativ 4 km, pe care l-am parcurs in cca. 1 oră și jumătate. Peisaje absolute superbe, pe care nu le poți observa dintr-o barcă. Aici ești propriul stapan pe timpul tău. Nu te grabeste nimeni dacă vrei să zabovesti mai mult in fața unui peisaj... Recomand această locatie și aceasta activitate din toată inima 👍👍👍

Claudiu Juganaru Avatar Claudiu Juganaru

O locatie minunata, cocheta si intima. Tura cu kayak-ul neasteptat de placuta. Aparatul foto nu trebuie sa lipseasca!

Bunica Maria Avatar Bunica Maria

We have tailored great offers for you, just to escape from urban life. You’ll want to keep coming back to us.


A stay at Kayak Escape Pension will be an amazing experience. Enjoy unique views of the wild and most preserved Delta from Europe, touching the biosphere reserve from boat & kayak trips. Along with its rural setting and traditional mildness, enjoy the spectacular exotic birds and watch unique scenes of sunsets by the lakes around the village.

The breakfast and dinner meals will be enjoyable as well, as the culinary delights are made from the most delicious wild&fresh fish and bio vegetables based menus.


Midweek Escape

Take with you all the good vibe of the Delta!


pensiune in Dunavatu de Jos, Delta Dunarii

Change the urban landscape with the lively picture of the Delta!


Fullkweek Escape

If you love nature, this package is for you!

€ 298 per pers

A week of connecting with nature

If you haven’t found the most suitable package for you, or you want something special, we make every effort to set up a custom one for you.

We have concentrated the most attractive activities, but if you want to spend a day on a virgin beach, we fulfill your dream! If you want special birdwatching or photo tours, we can do that! Or if you want to visit a particular area, enjoy the performance of a Lipovan choir, celebrate your day in a unique setting and with selected dishes, or organize a wine tasting for you and your friends, just let us know say.


We put all our expertise to work when it comes to fulfilling desires and designing the best deals for nature lovers!

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